Friday, June 25, 2010


Her Name is Keshi
Keshi the Girl
Girl with lot of wonders
wonders created from her writing's
writing's created for her family and friends
friends she has loads
loads she has been missed in blogsville
blogsville has given me a platform for wishing her a "Happy Birthday"

Love u loads Keshi i wish u to have a wonderful birthday ever :)...

Want to write a few lines about keshi ...she is one of my oldest and bestest friend in the whole blogsville ..she is an wonderful friend to be :)..we use to have so many silly fights and talks ..but now she does not even blog or write much and i guess its even been ages since we both spoke ..u sure are missed keshi these words come from my heart..have a beautiful day..god bless..

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ria & Cindy

Birthday Wishes to both the cute ladies Ria and Cindy :)...

5 Point something
5 points on both the ladies

1.Very Very cool Friends to be
2.Lovely dovely Smile
3.One with dimple and other is so simple :)
4.Both are beautiful Poets :)
5.Well both the beauties are born on the same day :)..

P.S : will be visiting everyone very soon :)..