Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Anwesa

Happy Birthday Dear Sister Anwesa :)...
5 point something

5 points on Anwesa

1.She is my Sweetest sister

2.She makes posts which are with a cute message...and the characters she chooses are awesome...

3.She is always there to make u smile out of the darkness :)..

4.She is the best interviewer i have come across u can check the post where she did my interview click it here.

5.She is the only person who admires my 5 points...i mean in every post she admires them and she always says she is big fan of them....

u can know more abt her by clicking here :P

Love u Loads Sister...have a wonderful day from my side to :)...This Song is for u sister listen to it completely..


Anwesa said...

omg!!!!m i dreaming? pinching myself..hell no...thanx a lot hw4w..i hope u remember the full form :D..hugs..i nvr knew dis wud happen.:D *smiles smiles* i luvd ur 5 point post dis tym..more dan ever b4..u made my de..err..b'de..
sweetu bro!!!

Anwesa said...

n i luvd d song..

yamini meduri said...

Happy Birthday Anwesa
Have a great time girl.,...The life is all yours...!!!

Nice post Hemanth...n the song..i dint check out..!!!n u know the reason i guess..!!!

Devika Jyothi said...

Oh I have been missing you a while,

and you still in bed, Hemu ??
get well soon :))

Happy Birthday Anwesa
and B'lated Happy Mothers day to you, Mamma's boy :)


♥ÐÅyÐяєÅмє®♥ said...

happy birthday anwesa :P

u seem to be a nice girl :P
lemme peek on ur blog then...

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Anwesa... Thanks for letting us know, Hemanth :)

That's a very sweet dedication :)

Have a great weekend :)

Rià said...

Aww so sweet!!happy b'day Anwesa!! :)

Swetha Padakandla said...

happy bday anwesa! wishing u lots of happiness

and hemu, hw long u r taking rest for? u r stil not feeling well..? :(

u r missing in the blogsville! :(

prajyot said...

Happy birthday anwesa....may god bless u with happiness and prosperity.

Arv said...

Happy Birthday Anwesa... Have a nice year ahead and enjoy this lovely day...

take care... cheers...

Preetilata【ツ】 said...

it ws such a sweet dedication hemz.

anwesha dear, wish u a very happy b'day. many many happy returns od the day. enjoyy.

hemz hw r u now?

Phoenix said...

happy birthday anwesa.... there is a treat for you at my blog too...

i hope you had a splendid birthday!!

and u really are sweet hems for being so thoughtful and remmebering my birthday!!

Vani said...

My hearty B'day wishes to Anwesa..I luv her blog.:)

Vani said...

How r u now hemz? Get well soon nd get back here healthy :)

pavi said...


Teline said...

happy bday to ur friend.
tc Bond

Adisha said...

Best wishes to you sister... So nice to see love between you two ..


Priya Joyce said...

happy b'day anwesa hope u

sorry for being so ol after some 20 hrs..power cut hei yaar fun :)

Keertz said...

happy bday anwesa..
thanz for the updates :)

Lucifer said...

happy birthday anwesa :)

k.ø.c.h.ü said...

blastin wishes m8 :) so wenz de treat?

Nikhil Menon said...

Bro??I dun c ya around??? :O looks like ur still caught up with fever.. :(

Chck out my space ok??I have something for u on the post dated 19th may.. :)

Take care n be back soon..


Anonymous said...

Hemu you are one of the sweetest guys i have ever known,,

happy birthday to anwesa :)

thank you for adding me to your buddy list.. i m so excited seeing my name there :)

Devilish Angel said...

CUUUUTEEEE! :) She is one lucky sister. Wish I had a brother myself. All I got is a lousy sister :D

Devika Jyothi said...

Whats heppening Hemu??
Are you alright?? long time no see..


Saranya S said...

Happy belated birthday to Anwesa :)