He was looking at the sea which was quite as baby sleeping in her cradle .Memories were flashing before his eyes; he could see the smile of her beautiful face. Some Unforgettable memories came by his eyes as if it happened just before some moments ago ……the memories consists of the first time he met her, the first time he spoke to her ,the first ice cream they had, the first valentines gift ,the big hug ….
Suddenly a fast breeze brings him back to reality …he picks up a card from the pile of papers beside him; even though he read the card a thousand times his eyes are ready to read it yet again…he starts reading it
I find it to be the most beautiful thing in the whole universe...This may be my final letter to you... by the time you read this letter I may not be in your arms to feel warmth .I am sorry I was not able to convince my parents …I was not able to make them agree about our love …I had to compromise myself to marry Kumar :( … my parents would suicide If I had not agreed to marry him … I am feeling guilty and not even able to say a sorry to u… don’t try to reach me GOODBYE….
After reading this letter his eyes were filled with tears once again and controlling his emotions… the thoughts again go back into the days when he got this letter in 2007 … with anger filled in him…frustrated about himself he leaves the town to go to away from memories to Bangalore…. Where he gets a good job but he never is able to forget her ..he could not get close to any other girl … the thoughts kill his sleep and make him more teary …but anger on her makes him little strong … on feb 10th 2008 he gets a call …it’s her voice is very low …she says she is calling from a hospital in Hyderabad..and wanted to see him…He does not ask any questions but catches the next flight on 11 th to reach her…the flight journey which was 1 hr seem to him like taking ages to reach her and feeling that some force stopping him to go… when he reaches the hospital …he is told that she is in the ICU…he goes into ICU and see’s her …she is changed a lot…she is become like a dead person …he was full of tears …slowly she opens her eyes to find him crying…she gives a small smile…it’s the same one ..the dimple on her cheek … and it’s like sunshine from the sea :)….he sits beside her…she talks in a very low tone…
“I am sorry ra……I lied to you about me getting married…I have a heart disease …my heart was not able to take all the love you were giving to me…it can stop at any moment…I was not brave enough to tell u the truth …I was afraid u wud be lost if u knew the truth …I wanted u to change the mind on me be angry on me and start hating me … but time dint change ur mind..u dint forget me …I came to know all this through ur cousin who is working in the same company…I thought u wud like someone in my place…but u never took anyone in my place…u shed tears for me daily…I wanted to take promise from u atleast before I leave this world…I wanted u to get married … “
He see’s into her eyes with tears still flowing …
“Yes I want u to get married …I want u to live a beautiful life… u are the best lover and frnd anyone can have…u complete the happiness …I want u to make a promise that u wud get married soon …”
He keeps his hand in hers and says yes I PROMISE
Then with a small smile she points at a gift which is wrapped in color paper…she says “ I want u to open this on the valentine’s day …that is the day we first met 3 years back…open it at the place we first met..”
She says “I Love You Ra “and slowly goes into sleep and never to open her eyes again…
With the heart which is broken into pieces and shattered like a glass he leaves to the place where they first met to open the gift which she left him ….
A alarm from the watch makes him come to reality again ….it says 12 am 14th feb …he starts unwrapping the gift …he finds..a photo album….he opens the first page to find a big message…
TO My Sweet Heart
He turns the page to utter shock he finds a photo of his childhood…and a picture of him which was taken secretly …and lot of pics which he even does not remember…then a small paper falls of the album…
It says “ This was the surprise I wanted to give u last year on the valentine’s day…these pics are the memories I lived with u…the childhood pic I stole from ur home the last time I had argument with u …the only biggest surprise will be the second pic ..This picture I secretly took when I dint even meet you for the first time…U were not only the one who fell in love at first sight … I dint know how to approach u …but u approached me on the valentine’s day …and the rest u know…Love ever Litika..
His eyes were uncontrollable of tears …he fell on the ground with the letter still in his hands…and love lost forever…
Distance in the sky between the stars he saw a small smile disappearing forever…and never to return back….
LOVE is LOST but never DEAD…..
Really heartending.
I thought you're going to open the new blog today ??
hello hemu,happy V-Day...
nice post huh..!!
aur mere bhai,wallet fat nahi toh kya..tera dil fat hein...
hello hemu,happy V-Day...
nice post huh..!!
aur mere bhai,wallet fat nahi toh kya..tera dil fat hein...
nice one...
hey, heart touching one!!
keep going..
happy v'day to u. njoy!!!!
Happy Vday sis :)...
yeh the blog is coming soon :)..i mailed u abt it just see it :)..
Happy V day to u to :)...
how many people see heart for wallet...tell me the number pls...
Happy VDay :)..
Happy Vday to u to buddy :)..
have a gr8 day and weekend :)..
Happy v'day hemz..may u have all the happiness in life..
well my wrds are not wrth this post..so i bttr keep my mouth shut...i just felt it vry close to my heart...
Hii Hemu, Happy Valentines Day yaar...really heart-touching..
beautiful...tragic...reality...forever is a lie!!!
Heartfelt V-day post Hemz!
** This post is dedicated to all the people who lost love :)...and to the kid keshi rote in her post
awww....wut a great gesture by u! TY Hemz! U brought tears to my eyes.
Luv ya mate! *HUGZ*
Hope ur not hvn a sucky V-day just like I am? LOL!
Niiiiceee...You wrote this Hemz??? This was really beautiful man...One of the best ones from u yet :)
Happy Valentines day Hemz!!!
5 Movies I'd like to see on V-Day:
1.Socha Na Tha
2.A Walk to Remember
3.P.S I Love You
4.You've got mail
5.The Reader
kudos!!!!a beautiful story..
hapy valentines day...!!!
the story is a great one...the real post that talks about the essence of LOVE
nice post HEMANTH..!!!
i donno if ull turn red..i didnt like de "view" u posted in de last post...wat an advice yaar...??
A nice story.......so have I missed any of ur other short stories?
Hemanth, dat is a very touching story. I had tears wen i finishd it. I juz read it nd comenting thru mob.
hey a very sensible story..
liked it!!
Happy Valentine's Day!
n hemz...dis story was really touchin...itz de climax dat iluvd de most..woowwwwwwww....!!!!
clap clap...!!!
n dis post is voted my best read 4 de week...!!! :)
Cupid struck?
or in Valentine blues, Hemu??
whatever, nice post :)
belated valentine wishes..
very nicee story yaar
:) thnks sweety :)...now dont stop that words let them flow they are more worth then my post :)..
:) thnks dear :)...wish u the same :)..
@comfortably numb
thnks man :)...welcome :)..
hugs :)...now erase those tears smile a lot sweets..:)...
my day was being single and boring to :)...but i am happy all liked my short story :)..
who rote ?
:(...dolls i rote it..:)...thnks soo much ...wish u the same dolls :)..
atleast one movie is common :)..
thnks buddy :)..
thnks buddy ..wish u the same :)..
relax ...just chill...i had never been lover may be i am not rite to say the word :)...just chill :)..
:)...thnks appu..well not much u missed :)..
doc ....thnks ssoooo much for coming :)...now those tears are more precious then my post :)...send me some :)...
thnks buddy :)...wish u the same :)..
are u relaxed now...thnks dude :)...i am honored...
nothing just a story from a single guy :)..
thnks :)..
its never late buddy :)...
thnks soo much :)..
eing single isnt boring Hemz...but feeling unloved is :) Sometimes we crave for the love of the very ppl that dun love us back. Strange ha!
amazingly written dude....my eyes filled with tears...."I would probably die after her..."
keep going.... :)
amazingly written dude....my eyes filled with tears...."I would probably die after her..."
keep going.... :)
wow...kya post hai man...i m touched :P
**BEING single
sorry abt the typo!
I had tears in my eyes when i read this. :( Really sad ending....but yes as u said Love never dies!!
yeah im baak..he.he...all widsmiles...!!!
ur a genius..!! and it shows..
Happy valentines day!!
Hope u had a blast.. :D
Take care coz I care
hey...nice post...right from the heart..this is wat I call life !! :)
Have a good day. Am delighted to be adding you as a friend.
**being single isnt boring Hemz...but feeling unloved is :) Sometimes we crave for the love of the very ppl that dun love us back. Strange ha!
its ok with typos i do many ehe :)..
yes being unloved is some times very much pain..bu i am here :)..
thnks mate :)..
:)...thnks yaar :)...ur tears tell me how the post actually was :)...tc have a gr8 week..
:P heheh..thnks mate..
thnks mate..keep visiting..
Very nice post Hemanth!
Awww that was so touching!
Belated V-Day wishes :)
Oh, just beautiful!
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